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产品名称:  保罗 麦克里希 - 亨德尔:扫罗 Paul McCreesh - Handel: Saul 3CD套装   [3CD]
所属歌手:   [ARCHIV唱片公司] [巴洛克音乐BAROQUE]
发行公司:  ARCHIV
版 号(NO):  474510  条码(UPC):  028947451020
出版时间:  1990/10/20
音乐类别:  古典 乐器:  交响乐 语言: 英语
重量(Weight):  200克 ( m58.net)
配货周期:估6周至6个月 配货周期说明
标 准 价:279 标准价说明
耳朵价:登陆后显示 积分等级说明



保罗 麦克里希 - 亨德尔:扫罗 Paul McCreesh - Handel: Saul 3CD套装(m58.net)
继卡里西米和许茨以后,整个巴洛克时期(1600-1750)最杰出的清唱剧大师当数英籍德国作曲家亨德尔(George Frideric Handel,1685-1759)。亨德尔的创作主要是歌剧和清唱剧。亨德尔一生共创作了32部清唱剧,大部分都是以圣经故事为题材。比较有影响,时至今日还经常上演的有《扫罗》、《以色列人在埃及》、《弥赛亚》、《参孙》、《犹大?玛可白》、《约书亚》和《所罗门》。
指挥家兼大提琴家保罗?麦克里希(Paul McCreesh),1960年5月24日出生于英国伦敦,在曼彻斯特大学念书的时候就创办演奏室内乐合唱团与古乐器的小型乐团,1982年扩编为嘉布里耶利合奏团(Gabrieli Consort & Players),以演奏文艺复兴与巴洛克时期作品为主。由于保罗?麦克里希对十七八世纪音乐的深入研究和多次演奏试验,扩编后的嘉布里耶利合奏团除演出文艺复兴与巴洛克时代作品外,也涉猎18世纪“变革”时期的音乐作品。他们的演奏往往能为作品注入全新而且丰富的创造力与情感,因此在国际乐坛声名鹊起。这套由Archiv唱片公司发行的CD版本《亨德尔:扫罗》,是保罗?麦克里希指挥灌录的经典演绎。


Disc: 1
1. Symphony. Allegro
2. Symphony. Larghetto
3. Symphony. Organo ad libitum
4. Symphony. Allegro
5. Symphony. Andante larghetto
6. Act 1. 1. Chorus. How excellent thy name, O Lord
7. Act 1. 2. Air. An infant rais'd / 3. Chorus. Along the monster atheist strode
8. Act 1. 4. Chorus. The youth inspir'd by thee, O Lord
9. Act 1. 5. Chorus. How excellent thy name, O Lord
10. Act 1. 6. Recitative. He comes / 7. Air. O god-like youth
11. Act 1. 8. Recitative. Behold, O King
12. Act 1. 9. Air. O King, your favours with delight / 10. Recitative. O early piety!
13. Act 1. 11. Air. What abject thoughts / 12. Recitative. Yet think, on whom this honour
14. Act 1. 13. Air. Birth and fortune I despise!
15. Act 1. 14. Recitative. Go on, illustrious pair! / 15. Air. While yet thy tide of blood
16. Act 1. 16. Recitative. Thou, Merab, first in birth / 17. Air. My soul rejects the thought with scor
17. Act 1. 20. Symphony / 21. Recitative. Already see, the daughters of the land / 22. Chorus. Welcome,
18. Act 1. 23. Accompagnato. What do I hear? / 24. Chorus. David his ten thousands slew / 25. Accompagn
19. Act 1. 26. Air. With rage I shall burst
20. Act 1. 27. Recitative. Imprudent women!
21. Act 1. 28. Air. Fell rage and black despair
22. Act 1. 29. Recitative. This but the smallest part / 30. Accompagnato. By thee, this universal frame
23. Act 1. 31. Recitative. Rack'd with infernal pains
24. Act 1. 32. Air. O Lord, whose mercies numberless / 33. Symphony
25. Act 1. 34. Recitative. 'Tis all in vain / 35. Air. A serpent in my bosom warm'd / 36. Recitative. H
26. Act 1. 37. Air. Capricious man
27. Act 1. 38. Accompagnato. O filial piety!
28. Act 1. 39. Air. No, cruel father, no!
29. Act 1. 40. Air. O Lord, whose providence
30. Act 1. 41. Chorus. Preserve him for the glory of thy name
Disc: 2
1. Act 2. 42. Chorus. Envy! eldest-born of Hell
2. Act 2. 43. Recitative. Ah! dearest friend
3. Act 2. 44. Air. But sooner Jordan's stream
4. Act 2. 45. Recitative. O strange vicissitude!
5. Act 2. 46. Air. Such haughty beauties rather move
6. Act 2. 47. Recitative. My father comes / 48. Recitative. Hast thou obey'd my orders
7. Act 2. 49. Air. Sin not, O King
8. Act 2. 50. Air. As great Jehovah lives
9. Act 2. 51. Air. From cities storm'd
10. Act 2. 52. Recitative. Appear my friend
11. Act 2. 53. Air. Your words, O King / 54. Recitative. Yes, he shall wed my daughter!
12. Act 2. 55. Recitative. A father's will
13. Act 2. 56. Duet. O fairest of ten thousand fair / 57. Chorus. Is there a man
14. Act 2. 58. Symphony
15. Act 2. 59. Recitative. Thy father is as cruel
16. Act 2. 60. Duet. At persecution I can laugh
17. Act 2. 61. Recitative. Whom dost thou seek?
18. Act 2. 62. Air. No; let the guilty tremble
19. Act 2. 64. Air. Author of peace
20. Act 2. 65. Symphony
21. Act 2. 66. Accompagnato. The time at length is come / 67. Recitative. Where is the son of Jesse?
22. Act 2. 68. Chorus. O fatal consequence of rage
Disc: 3
1. Act 3. 69. Accompagnato. Wretch that I am! / 70. Recitative-Accompagnato. 'Tis said, here lives a w
2. Act 3. 72. Air. Infernal spirits
3. Act 3. 73. Accompagnato. Why hast thou forc'd me
4. Act 3. 74. Symphony
5. Act 3. 75. Recitative. Whence comest thou? / 76. Air. Impious wretch
6. Act 3. 77. Dead March 7. Act 3. 78. Chorus. Mourn, Israel, mourn
8. Act 3. 79. Air. O let it not in Gath be heard
9. Act 3. 80. Air. From this unhappy day
10. Act 3. 81. Air. Brave Jonathan his bow ne'er drew
11. Act 3. 82. Chorus. Eagles were not so swift as they
12. Act 3. 83. Air. In sweetest harmony
13. Act 3. 84. Solo and Chorus. O fatal day!
14. Act 3. 85. Recitative. Ye men of Judah 15. Act 3. 86. Chorus. Gird on thy sword


保罗 麦克里希 - 亨德尔:扫罗 Paul McCreesh - Handel: Saul 3CD套装专辑正面图片



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Auryn Quartet 是一支著名的弦乐四重奏团体,由四位杰出的音乐家组成。该四重奏成立于1981年,最初是在科隆音乐学院的一次会议上形成的。四位成员分别是由Georgy Dimchev(第一小提琴)、Matthias Lingenfelder(第二小提...



歌手名: Auryn Quartet奥云弦乐四重奏

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